arrive with a smile, help with each mile
424712 km
covered in Germany since 01. July 2019
4247.12 € donation
collected for "KINDERHILFE e.V."
Aktion beendet

Charity Project "KINDERHILFE e.V."

arrive with a smile – help with each mile

Not only customers smile at INTERLINE!

The chauffeur and limousine service INTERLINE drives for charitable projects and organizations. From July 1 to September 22, 2019, donations will be collected for "KINDERHILFE - Hilfe für krebs- und schwerkranke Kinder e.V.".

From a parent‘ s initiative to an eligible association

Since 1983 it has been the primary goal of „KINDERHILFE – Hilfe für krebs- und schwerkranke Kinder e.V.“ to support families whose children have been diagnosed with severe illnesses like cancer. KINDERHILFE e.V. accompanies those families in every situation of life, both in successful, but also in the unfortunate case of unsuccessful treatment of the child.

The association was founded over 35 years ago. Being a parent initiative in the beginning, consisting of just a few people, KINDERHILFE e.V. has developed into an eligible association in current years.

The logo of KINERHILFE e.V.

Offers of the association

The association owns a wide range of offers – from the counseling of parents and siblings as well as parent- and family parties to aftercare trips and the fulfillment of the wishes of those sick children. Moreover, KINDERHILFE e.V. offers numerous projects for siblings, since they often have to put back their needs and wishes during the hard time of illness. By doing so, the association has three contact- and counseling centers in Berlin, Potsdam and Frankfurt (Oder), as well as an outpatient children‘ s hospice service in Berlin and Potsdam.

KINDERHILFE e.V. is committed to provide holistic care for sick children and their environment, and also financially supports those families from their social funds during emergencies.

All offers of assistance are thereby financed exclusively from donations.

You can find more information regarding the association and its projects on their website:

or on Facebook: Kinderhilfe e.V. Facebook

Cancer and other severe illnesses of children

The diagnosis of cancer or any other severe illness is an extreme challenge for each person involved. For the child as well as the entire family the whole life changes after the diagnosis.

About 1,800 children are diagnosed with cancer every year in Germany. When suffering from cancer, originally normal cells of the body multiply uncontrollably. These cells grow into healthy tissue and damage it. Those cells then become cancer cells. Despite significant therapeutic advances, about 20 percent of the affected children and adolescents die.


Berliner Sparkasse

Receiver: KINDERHILFE e.V.
Purpose of usage: arrive with a smile – help with each mile
IBAN: DE49 1005 0000 0780 0048 84


Postbank Berlin

Receiver: KINDERHILFE e.V.
Purpose of usage: arrive with a smile – help with each mile
IBAN: DE45 1001 0010 0017 1701 00


Mittelbrandenburgische Sparkasse

Receiver: KINDERHILFE e.V.
Purpose of usage: arrive with a smile – help with each mile
IBAN: DE95 1605 0000 3502 0277 72


Sparkasse Oder-Spree

Receiver: KINDERHILFE e.V.
Purpose of usage: arrive with a smile – help with each mile
IBAN: DE80 1705 5050 3110 2345 98